2024 40,000 Leader Board!

In 5th place with 17000 reps is Jonah Laboda!

In 4th place with 19350 reps is Aubrey Betler!

In 3rd place with 20500 reps is Christina Lupinacci!

In 2nd place with 21311 reps is Olivia Appelt!

And in 1st place with a whopping  29500 reps is Mike Palcho! 

And here are all of our participants (so far) this summer!

Griffin Krupp, Tre Burstein, Ike Burstein, Alyse Reynolds, Rocco Neidinger, Rowan Slider, Aiden Reynolds, Liam White, James White, Gavin Reddy, Elijah Schaerli, Ian Rutter, Sylvie Betler, Finn Sully, Lillian Buschman, Ryan Reddy, Nolan Reddy, and Finn White!

Congratulations, and keep hitting the wall!

Want to join the race? Contact us at 40000laxclub@gmail.com

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