Mt. Lebanon Lacrosse's annual Men's & Women's Alumni Games are scheduled for the Friday morning after Thanksgiving each year at the MtL High School Stadium Turf.
We hope to see you there this year!
2019 Men's Alumni Game - 45 players strong!
2019 - 2nd Annual Women's Alumni Lax Game
2018 Men's Alumni Game, Alums win 7-5 over HS team.
2018- 1st Annual Women’s Alumni Game
2017 - HS Boys won over the Alums for the 1st time!
2016 - The over 30 crowd was larger than 2015!
2019 - Oldest Bro trophy goes to Jon Morarity, congrats!
2018 - Oldest Bro Award, Joe Wesolowski ('95) - way to not get hurt!